Saturday, September 4, 2021

The Abandoned Church

Shafts of sun, half-hued by broken glass

Of arched, stained windows, pierce the smoky gloom

Of the abandoned sanctuary, the tomb

Of old devotions. Pipes of silver, brass,

And gold now hold no tone; no sonic note

Now quivers from the organ’s limbs to lift

The incense-dust from pages which the gift

Of God’s blest Ghost inspired the men who wrote.


Is no life, then, within? The empty space

That fills the open, golden tent of Christ

Does no remembrance haunt of when the King

Of Kings, Creator, Word, dwelt in this place?

Hark! ‘Round the stone where God was sacrificed,

Swift angels still unheard hosannas sing.


T. G. 9/3/21

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